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Attorney Rudinski to Represent Terror Suspect

Attorney Rudinski, of Williamsport Lawyers, Rudinski Orso and Associates retained in high profile criminal case. The Jersey Shore man has been charged with terroristic threats and other charges based on allegations of his roommate. Police uncovered an arsenal of weaponry and explosive materials, and while it is still early in the investigation, authorities are aware that the items belong to roommate making the allegations. News Watch 16, WNEP, aired the story, but this fact must have been unknown to them at that time. The man has waived his preliminary hearing as his attorneys wait to hear the District attorney’s position on the matter.

Under Pennsylvania Criminal Code 18 § 2706, terroristic threats occurs when a person communicates, either directly or indirectly, a threat to (1)  commit any crime of violence with intent to terrorize another; (2)  cause evacuation of a building, place of assembly or facility of public transportation; or (3)  otherwise cause serious public inconvenience, or cause terror or serious public inconvenience with reckless disregard of the risk of causing such terror or inconvenience.

It has yet to be shown that a communication of this nature has ever been made by the defendant or the man that owes the arsenal of weaponry and explosive materials.

Categories: Criminal